
Dermatology is a branch of medicine with diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of conditions related to the skin, hair, and nails. Dermatologists are medical professionals who specialize in this field and are trained to treat a wide range of skin conditions, from common issues such as acne and psoriasis to more severe diseases such as skin cancer.

Dermatologists also perform cosmetic procedures to improve the appearance of the skin. In addition, they offer Botox injections, chemical peels, and laser treatments to address various skin concerns. Moreover, they play a crucial role in preventing skin diseases. They do this by promoting healthy skin habits and educating patients on proper sun protection techniques. By combining cosmetic enhancements with preventive measures, dermatologists ensure not only the beauty but also the health of their patients’ skin.

What are Dermatologists about? 

Additionally, Dermatologists play an important role in preventing skin diseases. They do this by teaching people how to take care of their skin properly. This includes using sunscreen, moisturizing, and avoiding harmful habits like tanning.

What is the field about?

It is not just about treating skin problems when they arise; it’s also about maintaining healthy skin for the long term. Dermatologists help people look and feel their best while protecting their skin from harm.

Treatment Plans

  • Dermatopathology 500$
  • Pediatric Dermatology 10004
  • Mohs Surgery 30004
  • Cosmetic Dermatology 1000$
  • Surgical Dermatology 2200$

Choose Treatians

Treatians delivers custom-tailored treatment plans that cater to the unique requirements of each patient, and its team of committed experts remains readily available to offer guidance and assistance at every step. To get in touch, you can reach us at +91-7982312582 or email us at [email protected].



Dr. Shruti Lakhanpal Tandon



Dr. Alia Abbas Rizvi


Service Recipient Says

I struggled with persistent acne scars for years, and I had almost given up hope. Thanks to Treatians who made my cosmetic dermatology treatment at metro hospital smooth. My skin has transformed. The personalized treatment plan and skincare routine have made a world of difference. I feel more confident and grateful for the amazing results.

Aabha Bangladesh

After years of sun damage, I finally decided to address my skin concerns to Dr. Alia Abbas Rizvi From Metro and Heart Institute, Noida. She recommended a combination of treatments, including laser therapy and skincare products. The results are remarkable. My skin looks and feels healthier than ever.

Heng Cambodia

As someone with sensitive skin, finding the right products was a constant struggle. But, Thanks to Treatians who suggested me a renowned dermatologist who identified my specific skin needs but also suggested a skincare routine that has brought about incredible changes. No more redness and irritation.

Maryam Malaysia