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Arthroscopic Bankart Repair

Arthroscopic Bankart repair is a surgical procedure performed to treat recurrent shoulder dislocations or instability caused by a tear in the labrum, a ring of cartilage that surrounds the shoulder socket. The procedure involves using arthroscopic techniques to repair the torn labrum and stabilize the shoulder joint.

Who Needs Arthroscopic Bankart Repair

Arthroscopic Bankart repair may be recommended for individuals who experience the following:

  • Recurrent shoulder dislocations: If you have experienced multiple instances of shoulder dislocation due to a labral tear.

  • Shoulder instability: If your shoulder feels loose or unstable, and you have difficulty performing everyday activities or sports due to recurrent subluxations (partial dislocations).

  • Labral tear: If imaging tests confirm the presence of a labral tear in the shoulder joint.

When to See a Specialist

It is advisable to consult a specialist if you experience the following signs and symptoms:

  • Frequent shoulder dislocations or subluxations.

  • Pain, weakness, or a sense of instability in the shoulder.

  • Limited range of motion or difficulty performing routine shoulder movements.

  • Difficulty participating in sports or physical activities due to shoulder instability.


  • Anesthesia: The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia or regional anesthesia (numbing the area only).

  • Incision and arthroscopic access: Several small incisions are made around the shoulder joint, and an arthroscope (a thin, flexible tube with a camera) is inserted to visualize the inside of the joint.

  • Evaluation and preparation: The surgeon examines the labrum and other structures of the shoulder joint. Any loose or damaged tissue is trimmed or removed, and the area for repair is prepared.

  • Anchoring sutures: Small anchors with attached sutures are inserted into the bone around the socket (glenoid). These anchors serve as attachment points for the labrum.

  • Labral repair: The torn labrum is reattached to the glenoid using the sutures and anchors. This helps stabilize the shoulder joint and restore its normal function.

  • Closure and recovery: The incisions are closed with sutures or adhesive strips, and a sterile dressing is applied. Physical therapy and rehabilitation are crucial for a successful recovery.

Road to Recovery

The recovery process after arthroscopic Bankart repair involves the following:

  • Immobilization and protection: You may need to wear a sling or immobilizer for a few weeks to protect the repaired shoulder and allow healing.

  • Rehabilitation exercises: Physical therapy is essential for regaining strength, range of motion, and stability in the shoulder joint. The therapist will guide you through exercises to gradually increase mobility and strength.

  • Return to activities: The timeline for returning to sports or physical activities varies depending on the individual’s progress and the recommendation of the healthcare team. It is important to follow the rehabilitation plan and avoid activities that may risk reinjury.

Risk Management

As with any surgical procedure, arthroscopic Bankart repair carries potential risks and complications, which may include infection, bleeding, stiffness, nerve or blood vessel injury, and recurrence of instability. However, with proper surgical technique, adherence to rehabilitation protocols, and regular follow-up visits, these risks can be minimized.

Benefits of Arthroscopic Bankart Repair

  • Restored shoulder stability: The procedure aims to stabilize the shoulder joint, reducing the risk of recurrent dislocations or subluxations.

  • Improved shoulder function: Arthroscopic Bankart repair can alleviate pain, increase range of motion, and restore the ability to perform daily activities and sports.

  • Minimally invasive approach: Arthroscopic techniques involve small incisions, resulting in less tissue damage, faster recovery, and potentially improved cosmetic outcomes compared to open surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long does it take to recover after arthroscopic Bankart repair?

    Recovery times vary but typically range from 3 to 6 months. The duration depends on various factors, including the extent of the injury, individual healing capacity, adherence to rehabilitation, and clearance from the healthcare team.

  2. Will I need to wear a sling after the surgery?

    Yes, a sling or immobilizer is often prescribed after arthroscopic Bankart repair to protect the healing shoulder and promote proper alignment. The duration of sling usage varies based on the surgeon’s recommendation.

  3. Can arthroscopic Bankart repair prevent future shoulder dislocations?

    The goal of the procedure is to stabilize the shoulder joint and reduce the risk of recurrent dislocations. While it significantly improves stability, there is a small possibility of re-dislocation if the shoulder is subjected to severe trauma or force.

  4. When can I return to sports or physical activities after arthroscopic Bankart repair?

    The timing of returning to sports or physical activities depends on the individual’s progress, the type of activities involved, and the guidance of the healthcare team. It is crucial to follow the recommended rehabilitation plan and gradually reintroduce activities to minimize the risk of re-injury.

  5. Are there any alternative treatments for a labral tear?

    The treatment options for a labral tear depend on the severity and specific circumstances. Conservative management, including physical therapy, activity modification, and pain management, may be considered for certain individuals. However, complete labral tears with persistent instability often require surgical intervention such as arthroscopic Bankart repair.

Treatians As The Best Choice

Treatians understand that seeking medical treatment abroad can be a daunting experience for patients and their families. That’s why the company offers end-to-end support to its clients, from the initial consultation to post-treatment care. The company provides personalized treatment plans that are tailored to meet the individual needs of each patient, and its team of dedicated professionals is always on hand to provide guidance and support throughout the entire process. Contact us at +91-7982312582, drop your email [email protected]


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