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Femoro Poplitail By-Pass Surgery- Bilateral

The femoral artery is the largest blood vessel carrying blood to the legs. It runs from the lower abdomen into the thigh, becoming the popliteal artery at the knee. Some health conditions reduce blood flow through these arteries, causing pain, swelling, problems with wound healing and risk of amputation.

Who Needs Femoro Popliteal Bypass Surgery – Bilateral

Individuals who experience symptoms of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in both legs and have significant blockages or narrowing of the femoral and popliteal arteries may require bilateral Femoro Popliteal Bypass Surgery. PAD symptoms include leg pain, cramping, weakness, numbness, or difficulty walking (claudication), especially during physical activity.

When to See a Specialist

If you are experiencing symptoms of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in both legs or have been diagnosed with significant arterial blockages, you should seek consultation with a vascular surgeon. The specialist will perform a thorough evaluation and determine if bilateral Femoro Popliteal Bypass Surgery is the appropriate treatment option for you.


  • Anesthesia: The patient is placed under general or regional anesthesia to ensure comfort during the procedure.
  • Incision: The surgeon makes small incisions in both legs, near the groin area, to access the femoral artery.
  • Harvesting the Graft: A suitable vein or synthetic graft is harvested, typically from the patient’s leg or an artificial material, to create the bypass.
  • Graft Placement: The graft is then carefully attached to the femoral artery above the blockage and routed down to the popliteal artery, bypassing the narrowed or blocked section.
  • Blood Flow Restoration: The graft is sewn in place to ensure a secure connection, restoring blood flow to the lower leg and foot.
  • Incision Closure: After the graft placement, the incisions are closed with sutures or staples.

Road to Recovery

Recovery from bilateral Femoro Popliteal Bypass Surgery may vary depending on the individual’s overall health and the complexity of the procedure. Hospitalization is usually required for several days to monitor postoperative progress and manage pain.

Risk Management

As with any surgical procedure, Femoro Popliteal Bypass Surgery carries certain risks, which may include infection, bleeding, blood clot formation, graft failure, and complications related to anesthesia. The surgical team will take necessary precautions to minimize these risks.

Benefits of Femoro Popliteal Bypass Surgery – Bilateral:

  • Improved Blood Flow: By bypassing the narrowed or blocked arteries, the surgery restores blood flow to the legs, alleviating symptoms and improving mobility.
  • Reduced Pain and Cramping: Patients often experience a significant reduction in leg pain, cramping, and weakness after the surgery, allowing for increased physical activity.
  • Enhanced Quality of Life: Restoring blood flow to the lower extremities can greatly enhance a person’s quality of life by enabling them to engage in daily activities with less discomfort.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does the surgery take?

The duration of the bilateral Femoro Popliteal Bypass Surgery depends on the complexity of the condition and the individual’s medical history, but it typically takes several hours to complete both legs.

2. Will I need to stay in the hospital after the surgery?

Yes, most patients require a hospital stay of a few days after bilateral Femoro Popliteal Bypass Surgery to monitor their recovery and ensure optimal healing.

3. Is the graft permanent?

The graft used for the bypass is intended to be permanent, but its long-term success depends on various factors, including the patient’s lifestyle and overall vascular health.

4. Can I resume physical activities after the surgery?

In most cases, patients can gradually resume physical activities as guided by their healthcare team during the recovery period. It is essential to follow the postoperative instructions carefully to avoid complications.

5. Will the surgery completely cure my peripheral arterial disease (PAD)?

While bilateral Femoro Popliteal Bypass Surgery can significantly improve blood flow and alleviate symptoms of PAD, it is essential to continue managing underlying risk factors, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, to prevent further artery narrowing or blockages. Regular follow-ups with the vascular surgeon and adherence to a healthy lifestyle are essential for long-term success.

Treatment Plans

  • Trauma & intensive care $59
  • Aged Care $29
  • Community Services $25
  • Diagnosis & Investigation $48
  • Medical & Surgical $82
  • Mental Health $74
  • Rehabitation $24
  • Specialised Support Service $19
  • Trauma & intensive care $59
  • Aged Care $29
  • Community Services $25
  • Diagnosis & Investigation $48
  • Medical & Surgical $82
  • Mental Health $74
  • Rehabitation $24
  • Specialised Support Service $19

Treatians As The Best Choice

Treatians understand that seeking medical treatment abroad can be a daunting experience for patients and their families. That’s why the company offers end-to-end support to its clients, from the initial consultation to post-treatment care. The company provides personalized treatment plans that are tailored to meet the individual needs of each patient, and its team of dedicated professionals is always on hand to provide guidance and support throughout the entire process. Contact us at +91-9560960088, drop your email



Dr. Adil Rizvi

Vascular Surgery

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