Exploring Glaucoma Treatment in Delhi. Read Now!

Exploring Glaucoma Treatment in Delhi. Read Now!

Exploring Glaucoma Treatment in Delhi. Read Now!

Do you know what glaucoma treatment is about? Are you aware of the term glaucoma? Well, it’s linked with eye condition that can damage your optic nerve (a messenger that carries visual information from the eye to the brain) and even leads to sight loss if not treated. So, let’s explore the glaucoma treatment in Delhi.

How does glaucoma develop?

Well, glaucoma develops when there is damage to optic nerve due to high level of pressure inside the eye. Furthermore, this pressure can happen due to the fluid buildup inside the eye which can lead to blindness. It’s quite scary right? So, regular eye checkup is crucial for the early detection of glaucoma as early detection can manage it effectively and prevent blindness.

Can we prevent glaucoma?

Well, many people who have glaucoma don’t even know it because its symptoms are often so gradual that you may not notice them at all. So, we will share some tips to prevent glaucoma. Let’s have a look at it.

  • Early detection- Regular eye checkup is very crucial for early detection of glaucoma as it can manage effectively and prevent damage like blindness.
  • Medications – Pay attention to your medications, especially steroids, because using steroids for longer can raise eye pressure as it can cause glaucoma and result in vision loss, including pills, injections, creams, etc.
  • Eat a balanced diet and vitamins- Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Moreover, certain vitamins can prevent glaucoma from developing. Vitamin B, especially vitamin B12, are important for maintaining the health of optic nerves. Additionally, studies have also shown that consumption of vitamin A, C and E either supplements or through food can help from developing glaucoma.
  • Do exercise – Exercise lowers the blood pressure and eye pressure and increases blood flows to the eye, lowering the risk of glaucoma.

Treatment procedures for glaucoma

Well, there are various options to treat glaucoma including

  • Eye drops- Eye drops are commonly used to lower eye pressure by reducing fluid production inside the eye.
  • Oral drugs – Oral medications are prescribed by the doctor when only eye drops are not sufficient.
  • Laser Therapy- Laser therapy like laser trabeculoplasty can help improve fluid drainage from the eye.
  • Surgery- In case when eye drops, or laser therapy are not effective then surgical options such as trabeculectomy or shunt implants may be considered by your doctor to lower the eye pressure.

Glaucoma treatment in Delhi

Well, as we all know, India is known for the top-notch hospitals, highly skilled doctors, quality care and cost-effective treatments. Moreover, In Delhi you can find some top hospitals and eye care centers for the glaucoma treatment.

Let’ have a look on the hospitals that are best for glaucoma treatment in Delhi

  • All India Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Max Super Specialty Hospital
  • Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals
  • Fortis Memorial Research Institute
  • Vision First Eye Centric
  • ICARE Eye Hospital

Choose Treatians for the Best Treatment

If you are thinking of glaucoma treatment in Delhi, feel free to contact treatians. As, treatians provide you with the best hospitals, quality treatment at reasonable price in Delhi. We help you every step of the way. So, if you have any related queries contact us or visit our website for more details.

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