The Importance of HPV Vaccine in Every Woman’s Life

The Importance of HPV Vaccine in Every Woman’s Life

The Importance of HPV Vaccine in Every Woman’s Life

HPV short form of Human Papillomavirus vaccines, play a crucial role in women’s lives. Why? Because it prevents diseases such as cervical cancer, vaginal cancer, anal cancer and genital warts. Basically, HPV is type of virus that is sexually transmitted infection (STI). To fight against this virus the HPV vaccine has been made. As we know, cervical cancer is the most common cancer in women. And did you know that more than 95.5% cervical cancer is linked to HPV? Yes, it’s true. Let’s discuss in detail the importance of HPV vaccine and who needs to get the vaccine.  

Understanding Human Papillomavirus 

Human Papillomavirus, or HPV, is the most common virus, a group of over 100 viruses. It is spread by skin-to-skin contact during sexual activity like vaginal, anal or oral sex. Because HPV is so common, it’s likely that anyone who has been sexually active has had an HPV infection. Moreover, some HPV viruses cause cervical cancer and some genital warts. But don’t worry every problem has a solution and the solution to this problem is vaccine. So, let’s discuss the importance of HPV vaccine.

HPV Vaccine: A Weapon to Fight Against Human Papillomavirus 

HPV vaccine act as a weapon that can protect people from those dangerous types of HPV, and that means protection against cancer caused by these types of HPV. The vaccine is very safe and effective. Moreover, if you get all its doses at the right interval of time it will provide 100% protection against HPV. 

What is the Right Age for HPV Vaccine? 

Well, the HPV vaccine is recommended for both males and females. The ideal age for HPV vaccine is between 9-12 years old. However, it can be given up to age 26 for females and age 21 for males. It’s best to get vaccinated before becoming sexually active to ensure the best protection against HPV. 

Schedule and Dosage of HPV Vaccine 

From age 9-15: You will need two shots to be fully protected and you should get the second shot 6-12 months after the first shot.  

Ages 15 and up: You will need three shots to be fully protected. You should get the second shot 1-2 months after your first shot, and moreover the third shot six months after the first shot.  

So, go and get your children vaccinated to protect them from cancers later in life.  


To conclude, HPV is a common virus that can cause cancers like cervical cancer which is the most common cancer in women. So, to protect against this cancer it’s important to vaccinated by HPV vaccine that will protect you from those dangerous types of HPV. Moreover, it’s crucial to get vaccinated before becoming sexually active (from age9-15) to ensure the best protection against HPV. 

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